Author: Ian Jones MCBOCGadmin

With help from MCBOCG we continue to work in the south of the county. Despite Covid it appears that barn owls are doing well and we look forward to being able to monitor them in more detail when the restrictions …

We are working as hard as ever Read More »

We have members that make our nest boxes and we also have nest box making days that are open to anyone that would like to lend a hand. The work doesn’t end there of course; the boxes need to be …

Nest Box Erecting Read More »

Nest boxes are still a very important aspect of our work, simply because the majority of barn owls in Cheshire breed in boxes. We have been placing nest boxes for nearly 20 years now and though we do take the …

Nest Box Making 27/10/2019 Read More »

We are very approachable! You will find us in the Rural Activities Tent, right by the entrance. Cheshire show is 18th and 19th June.  

The placing of a small ring on chicks and adult birds enable us to learn more about the life cycle of our barn owls and also their movements. We apply rings to adult birds whenever we find unringed birds during …

2018 Ringing Read More »

We have a lot going on at the moment, some of the less usual activities are: Barn Owl Confernece in October with attendees not just from Cheshire but from around the Country. Waitrose in Northwich has chosen us as one …

September 2017 Newsletter Read More »

Although we’re already into May this is the start of an exciting year for our group. There is the usual work involved in m onitoring our barn owl boxes, checking, ringing and recording both young and adult birds, repairing and …

May 2017 Newsletter Read More »

Firstly, may I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year (hopefully this Newsletter reaches you before Christmas Day). It’s been a long year, but also a successful year. It’s been a long year because after …

December 2016 Newsletter Read More »

Description here.  

Thanks to the Barn Owl Trust for this video:  
