2021 Barn Owl Breeding Results

The results for barn owl breeding in 2021, in the areas of Cheshire which we manage (i.e. north, north east, east, south and mid), are now available.

The figures are very reassuring. 123 breeding pairs were recorded (of which 12 broods unfortunately failed) with 274 chicks. In addition, 37 further boxes were found to have been used as roosts.

These figures compare well with recent years (132 breeding pairs in 2018, 122 in 2019 and 117 in 2020). They are also reassuring given that box checking was again restricted due to Covid lockdowns etc.

Fingers crossed for 2022!!

One comment on “2021 Barn Owl Breeding Results
  1. Ian Jones MCBOCGadmin says:

    So reassuring that despite all the problems we humans face that the barn owls are continuing to thrive.

    Thanks for posting this good news.

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